Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Father's Celebration!

Well, this year Father's Day, and my husband's birthday were a day apart!

So, my wonderful hubby had TWO days of celebration!

We kicked off on Friday when we picked up the cookie bouquet I ordered for him. It's so hard to buy presents for him, and I wanted to get something that I knew he would love, so I got a "musical" cookie bouquet. It had guitars and stars and tickets on it... it was sooo cute! On Sunday, I packed up the kids and took them to church. We got to see my Dad for a little bit (and he got to check out Lily's new walking trick!). Then, we came home and I made lunch for me and Doug and the kids. We relaxed and did just want my hubby wanted- a whole lot of nothing.

Then, we stopped by my in-laws for a little bit in the afternoon. Then, we put the kids to bed early and had a little time for ourselves.

The next day, was my husband's birthday! I spent the morning running around and gathered up all his favorite things. First stop- Target to pick up a DVD he wanted Logan to have; then we went to Publix to pick up his cake; then we went to Dunkin Donuts to get and eclair and coffee; and finally Subway to get there new breakfast sandwich (only TWO points!).

The day went a little different than expected, because we took Logan to an impromptu Dr apt (more on that later). So while I whisked Logan away, Daddy and Lily spent some quality time together.

My Mom came over around 4 o'clock and we took the kid and picked up Outback for the whole crew (My parents/DJ's parents/our family). It was nice to sit around our kitchen table and not have the stress of cooking/cleaning up after a party. Then we sang and cut the cake that Logan picked out earlier that morning.

It was a wonderful way to celebrate a wonderful man!

Thank you, honey, for all you do for our family. Your hard work, kind spirit, and gentle touch are some of the reasons I love you so much. You're an amazing Dad, and I fall in love with you more and more everyday!

Weight Watchers

Well , I decided once and for all I HAVE to get rid of this baby weight!! So, I decided to join weight watchers online.

I'm soooo excited about it, because I'm able to eat the foods I make and still lose weight.

When I got pregnant with Logan, I was already over weight; and by the time he was a year old I was back at my PRE DELIVERY date!! So, I worked my butt off (litterally)

and lost 70 pounds, and kept it off for a year.

It did help that my mother-in-law joined a weight loss clinic,
And lost 50 pounds... I didn't want to be the woman who's Mom is hotter than her :)

Then when I got pregnant with Lily, I vowed NOT to gain a ton a weight and to be back at my pre prego weight with in three months of delivery. Well, I didn't gain a ton of weight (only 39) BUT it's been 15 months and I'm still closer to my delivery weight then my pre pregnancy weight :/

So, I joined Weight Watchers Online in the hopes to lose 30 pounds by Christmas. I'm super excited about it (I LOVE the iPhone app) and I've already lost 4 pounds!

Only 31 more to go!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where Does Time GO?

June 2009

June 2010

Where does time GO?

Schools Out for Summer

The summer is finally here! Today is Logan's last day of school, and I couldn't be happier. School's out, the weather is warm, and VBS starts next week. But I can't help but think about where I was this time last year. I felt so alone, so lost, and out of control. I had no idea what was in store for our family; and in some ways I still don't- but at least we have help!

Ever year I teach/volunteer at VBS (Vacation Bible School). And last year Logan really struggled. He was a sweet boy trapped inside his body, and we didn't know how to help him. In fact on the second day of VBS I was told "something's not quite right."

By this time (June 2009), he had already been evaluated by FDLRS and was waiting for his second evaluation- which only happened during school months so we had to wait till August. When the preschool director at my church pulled me aside to talk about Logan I completely broke down. I hadn't fully come to grips with this challenge God laid out for me- and having another professional tell me "he's unique" was almost unbearable to hear.

However, Logan's not the only one growing- him Mom is, too. And that Mom who started this blog was a woman in a lot of pain. She was mourning the loss of a son she thought she had.

I'm proud to announce that I'm not that woman anymore. Yes, I still have painful days; and yes I still ask "why me". But today I stand (well, actually I'm sitting but whose checking) before you a new Mom. One who's learning everyday is a gift, and I'm working more and more on enjoying the miracle in the moment.

He's come so far, and grown a lot over the past eight months. He's our pride and joy, and I'm so thankful God blessed me with him.

First Day of School (10/15/09)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Little Daddy

Logan is the best "little Daddy" to his sister. I'm constantly hearing things like "please don't put that in your mouth;" and "you're sooooo pretty Lily."

He has a tender touch, and gentle heart. He tells me that Lily is his best friend- and he's ALWAYS looking out for her.

He'll play, "read", and even sing to her. She's very blessed to have him :)

And we're blessed to have them both.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Although we're very sad that Logan's therapist will not be returning next year, I'm thrilled the last day of school is in TWO short days.

We have lots of fun day trips planned (and a couple vacations too). My husband's work usually slows down in the summer, which gives us time to enjoy family time!

I can't wait to take the kids to the beach! We went last year, but now that Lily's a little older, she'll be able to enjoy it more.

I'm also planning on spending LOTS of time...

in our back yard.

Moving On

Logan's beloved therapist told me she was retiring.

I couldn't hold back the tears as she uttered the words "I'm retiring." I've been so focused on helping my son, that I honestly never even considered that one of the key people in his developmental pre-school could move on.

I'm feel so blessed that Mrs. B shared her talent with my family. Not only was she dedicated to Logan at school, but she was dedicated to his home and family life too. She made house calls, took phone calls from a crying mother, led a parenting class (that helped me SO much), and became a friend.

She's helped countless children, and we so thankful we were one of them. You will be missed Mrs. B.