Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lily Update

My sweet little Lily has been getting bigger by the minute, sometimes I just can't keep up! She's learning new words everyday, and putting together two and three word sentences. She's even telling up when she has pooped or peed... I can feel our potty training days getting closer and closer. The other day, I took her to Babies-R-Us to pick out ANY potty she wanted. Can you guess what she picked?? ELMO of course!! She LOVES Elmo. She thinks DJ's laptop is an "Elmo machine" because of the countless times the two of them have watched it on YouTube.

My Lily has just been a light in our family. She's bright and cheerful (except when she's not), she has real passion and is the best little Mommy. She dotes on her dolls, giving them milk (a fake bottle) and wrapping them up for bed. Her new favorite game is to play "Night Night", forcing any willing adult to lay on the ground while she gives you "milk", a baby, covers you with a blanket, gives you a kiss, and bends over you with her pointer finger over her month proclaiming "shhhh shhhh".

Her hair is getting longer and thicker every day! She is, however, still sporting the rockin mullet. I've been trying since day one to put bows in her hair- but she just wont keep them in!! But, the other day, she had me put every bow she could find in her hair. I'm all about self expression, so I put 'em all in with a big smile on my face.

Lately, Lily has started throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way. I'm hoping this is a quick stage- but like I said, she's got passion ;)

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